The Atlas 1923 building on 6th and Maclay St. is being developed by Adam Maust as part of the revitalization of the Camp Curtin neighborhood. The building has been in disrepair for the past 20 years.
The developer is looking to work with the community through Harrisburg Building Collective (HBC).
President of Camp Curtin Neighborhood United Joyce Vanderhorst Gamble, told CBS21, “we need to all work together so we can get rid of some of these blight neighborhoods”. She says she hopes the building is a step towards prosperity for her community. “I think this is the beginning of a relationship with the future developers that are coming into Harrisburg,” Vanderhorst Gamble said. Gamble is also a member of the Harrisburg Building Cooperative.
Elyse Irvis, owner of La Cultura and an HBC member, is working with businesses to make sure they are prepared to take advantage of the opportunity to have their business housed in the Atlas 1923 building when it opens.
Irvis told CBS21, “with the vision of revitalizing Black wall streets and commercial corridors, and recycling dollars in the Black and brown community, they reached out to me to see how we can scale businesses from the six feet table here to the 600 square foot space,” Irvis said.
The developer is also looking to have a supermarket within the development project, but they are open to ideas. You can submit your ideas to the developer at
If you are a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and interested in learning more about space in the development you can email Elyse Irvis
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